Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WHAT IF!? BCS Bowl Projections: Week 13

Here are my alternate BCS Bowl Projections:  First take a look at my SEC West Scenarios.  I really think that there are only a few ways in which we don’t have an all SEC West rematch.  I’ll outline the full results here for a few of those that I think are the most interesting.
Scenario 1
The only way in which anyone outside of the SEC West plays in the NCG is for Auburn to beat Alabama.  So let’s start off with that scenario.  I’ll also assume a victory of LSU over Arkansas.  All along I have been assuming a Houston loss as well. 
BCS National Championship:  #1 LSU vs. #2 Oklahoma State
Rose Bowl: #8 Oregon vs. #11 Wisconsin
Fiesta Bowl: #9 Kansas State vs. #4 Stanford
Sugar Bowl: #5 Alabama vs. #13 Michigan
Orange Bowl: #3 Virginia Tech vs. #? WVU
Scenario 2
I think one of the most interesting cases will be if Georgia wins the SEC, but we still have an all SEC championship game.  This is the only way in which we can have 3 teams from the same conference.   Here is how that would play out.  Let’s assume Alabama over Auburn and LSU over Arkansas.
BCS National Championship:  #1 LSU vs. #2 Alabama
Rose Bowl: #8 Oregon vs. #11 Wisconsin
Fiesta Bowl: #3 Oklahoma State vs. #5 Stanford
Sugar Bowl: #10 Georgia vs. #9 Kansas State
Orange Bowl: #4 Virginia Tech vs. #? WVU
Scenario 3
Here is my obligatory VT in the NCG scenario.  Auburn beats Bama, LSU wins the SEC, OU beats Oklahoma.   Just to note, I think that the Orange bowl would not choose Stanford for a second straight year and might choose the large fan base at Michigan to come down (Clemson is not eligible).
BCS National Championship:  #1 LSU vs. #2 Virginia Tech
Rose Bowl: #7 Oregon vs. #12 Wisconsin
Fiesta Bowl: #8 Oklahoma vs. #3 Stanford
Sugar Bowl: #4 Alabama vs. #9 Oklahoma State
Orange Bowl: #12 Michigan vs. #? WVU
Scenario 4
Here is my final scenario for the week.  What if VT loses to either UVA or Clemson? I think the still have a shot at an at-large.  They would probably need Michigan to lose to Ohio State just for good measure. Also of note, Houston would not need to lose.  Because the Fiesta Bowl choses first, they would not chose the higher ranked Big 12 school and choose between VT, Boise St, and Michigan St, leaving Houston to be chosen by the sugar bowl if necessary.  Yet, lets assume a Houston loss as well as normalcy in all other areas and here is how it would end up.
BCS National Championship:  #1 LSU vs. #2 Alabama
Rose Bowl: #7 Oregon vs. #12 Wisconsin
Fiesta Bowl: #8 Oklahoma State vs. #11 Virginia Tech  
Sugar Bowl: #4 Stanford vs. #8 Kansas State
Orange Bowl: #16 Clemson vs. #? WVU

1 comment:

  1. Besides Scenario 1, I think Scenario 4 might be my other favorite; albeit a dangerous favorite :)
